Raw, authentic, in the moment videos providing support for your Self Awakening Journey
Welcome to my Light Language Transmissions / DNA Activations and Intuitive Guidance videos. Here you will find a collection of my “in the moment” recordings sharing snippets of my own Self Awakening journey. They are all unedited, allowing you to “experience” the real me. Perfectly imperfect.
The earlier and most challenging years of my awakening journey and galactic missions are not shown here. These are discussed more in depth during my private mentoring programs, where relevant.
May these Light Language Transmissions and aspects of my awakening assist you on your own unique journey to Awaken Your Authentic Self® and Live Your Soul Inspired Life.
Please bear in mind, the Light Language Transmissions have the ability to transform you from the inside. It is well beyond our human level of consciousness. However, since you have found this page, your Soul is ready to release the old and upgrade to an ever evolving, higher version of you!
Megann - Ohio, USA.
If you resonate with these videos, click here for Light Language Activation Symbols
Light Language in simple terms is the name given to higher vibrational energies (from celestial, star realms, the divine etc), which are intuitively expressed by a person in the form of singing, toning, speaking, writing, symbols and images. Light Language in all its variations has the power to help you activate and integrate higher levels of consciousness, without you doing anything except being open to receive.
As a multidimensional, universal language, Light Language speaks directly to your heart/soul/higher self, reminding you “Who You Are” at your essence.
Due to its higher dimensional frequencies and pure nature, it has the ability to bypasses the obstacles the ego mind creates to keep us stuck or living small, by connecting with you at your core.
Therefore it creates a clear, unhindered line of communication for deep and powerful releasing of that which no longer serves you and re-ignites your gifts and authentic self.
It is not important for your eyes or ears to logically understand, as the vibrations sent through Light Language speak the purity of love and truth, which your heart speaks fluently.
Light Languages hold the keys and codes to change your cells, reawaken dormant DNA, clear karmic blocks, along with past and present traumas. It deals with the subconscious, works in the energy bodies and throughout different dimensions, all to create the shifts you are ready to receive for your soul’s expansion and self-transformation.
Light Language is a unique “Experience” to every individual where deep and profound unconditional love, light and peace can be felt. Each time you access it, it is a new experience.
When you come across Light Language, you from your soul level have called for it. YOU from your depths have full control over what you receive, how you receive it, interpret it and integrate it.
It is important to remember, this is not a “logical” experience. While you may not notice its impact when you first start accessing it, know it is working with you on a multidimensional level, which is quite subtle. As time goes by and you become more open, you may begin the see, feel, hear or simply know shifts are taking place within your being.

If you value my contribution to your journey or years of service to the greater awakening (via my multidimensional work behind the scenes), please show your support by placing a gift of exchange. All heartfelt offerings assist my ongoing unpaid work for us all.
Allow yourself to surrender and trust in something higher. Soul knows better than you do. - Tracy Radley